I have come to terms that I am bad at blogging and was pretty bad at updates, but I tried... At any rate, I'm home! I thought I'd share some final thoughts.
First off, I want to commend the airline industry. Although I had a few delays, for the most part everything was extremely systematic and arranged very well. I had doubts my luggage would ever be claimed, but was pleasantly surprised every time. I'm sure there is so much behind the scenes and much thought is probably put into every step. Sleeping is just very hard sitting up. Maybe planes should have people stacked lying down.
Traveling has been great. Although this security lady in London caused me to break some souvenirs, for the most part, people are pretty nice to foreigners. However, I knew I arrived in the United States when a TSA agent was being extremely rude to a confused foreign traveler. C'mon guys, let's not come off as rude and impatient. Also, British English is much harder to understand than I thought. I was listening to some Brits talk and initially I was trying to figure out what language it was until I realized it was english... haha
Living in Gaborone for a month has been a great experience. I think everyone at least once in their life should immerse themselves in a different culture. It puts things into perspective about what truly is important. There were quite a few times (especially the last week) where our power went out unexpectedly. People there just deal with it. Restaurants don't always carry what you want and things are very unexpected when you're trying to make plans. People are pragmatic and peaceful in Botswana.
Shout out to Sunday, PD, OG, OT, Nigel, and.... I think his name is.... Dreekey? Whatever, he probably wasn't important. (haha) Thank you so much for teaching us about your culture and being so protective of us. I know a few of you guys became good friends too on this project and I am extremely happy about that. Something about having friends way across the world is comforting to me. Play more mafia, spoons, and ultimate frisbee! I'll attempt to play soccer...
We're so cute
Also shout out to the US students Nicole, Sam, Melissa, Andrew, and Amanda. It was really neat experiencing and bonding a different culture with you guys. I like that we're literally scattered all around the country. It was amazing how well we got along.We'll chat often and plan our reunion in a few years! If you're ever around Case, let me know!
Here are some miscellaneous pictures I thought were worth sharing.
Sam dancing at the cultural center
Check flabby sound!
I am terrible at soccer.
high fives!
Amanda, Nicole, PD, Dricky (fat.)
Dricky, OG, me, Melissa
Andrew, me, and Amanda
Nicole, and YOLO (melissa and sam)
Nigel, OG, Sunday
During the last week when we were all writing our final reports for our research projects, Dricky and I also compiled a movie where we interviewed each other about ourselves. I'm not the most camera-sexy, but enjoy it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFqpAx7ehDw