Here is a picture of my cute corner
I also managed to be a creep and take pics of people sleeping:
I guess people do this a lot.
I really like talking to strangers and on my flight from DC to JFK, I sat next to a woman that was reading the constitution of Zimbabwe. She is working for the UN and her specialty is policy, specifically women's rights. She told me all about her travels and I commended her by calling her a badass. She liked that compliment. When I arrive in Jo-berg, she also recommended that I get an ostrich wrap at the food court. I'll take her up on that. It'll be an odd breakfast since I'm arriving at 8 AM in Jo-berg.
Traveling alone is kind of nice. I really have time to do whatever I want, but I found if I'm not deliberate in planning what to do, I kind of get flustered. Alrighty, I'll try and do blog posts regularly, but I'm sure it'll devolve into just pretty pictures and captions. Or more creeper pics. Deuces.
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